The Hard Truth
Every organization admits that the statistics below are probably low and could be as much as double the amounts shown. This is especially true of the statistics on children, as there are between 20 to 40 million undocumented children born every year. Also, many of the statistics are outdated, and thus most of these satistics have increased.
Worldwide Yearly
923 million - Starving people (United Nations, 2008)
27 Million - Children enslaved in the sex trade (United Nations, 2006, NMCI)
$9.5 Billion - The second largest criminal activity in the world (CATW)
15 million - Children who die of hunger related disease
(Oracle Think(space?) Quest Library, 11 Apr. 2009)
10 million - Children who die of starvation each year (UNICEF 2006)
160 million - Children under the age of 5 who are malnourished ("The world hunger problem: Facts, figures and statistics," Oracle Think Quest Library, 2009)
146 million, (UNICEF, 2006)
2.4 million - Children under the age of 15 infected with the HIV virus (Unique, 2006)
210 million - Orphans (UNICEF, 2008)
15.2 million - Children orphaned by the HIV virus (UNICEF, 2007)
400 million - Children growing up on the streets (UNICEF, 2003)
218 million - Child laborers (International Labor Organization, 2006)
20 - 40 million - Undocumented children are born each year
India ranks number one in almost every category in total numbers, and often in percentages as well.
35 million - Orphans (UNICEF, 2005)
217.2 million - Starving people (United Nations, 2003)
60% - Of the children are malnourished (Government of India, 2006)
13 million - Orphans are 13% of the population (UNICEF, 2006)
There are more orphans on the streets of St. Petersburg now than in the aftermath of WWII.